It's been a ridiculous length of time since I posted here, I promise I'll get better at it!
Updates so far, I've been changed onto a different pill since December as the previous one was creating major migraine issues. I had one that lasted the guts of 8 weeks, the pain and frustration it caused naturally made it worse, but I stopped that particular pill and since then the migraine has reduced somewhat. I do suffer from migraine, so it's hard to determine whether it's the migraine or the pill, which apparently is a common enough problem.
I was back in St. James' with my doctors in January and everything was positive enough, but they still aren't happy that I'm in so much pain [and neither am I, if we're honest!]. There are many different options but I'm majorly limited. The pill and the injection don't work for me. My body shouldn't be on hormone treatment, I'm sure it's one reason they are so bad, because of the combination of unnatural hormones being pumped into my body for so long. I hate taking medication but because of this, I have to.
My main option at the moment is the IUD, but that is the last chance scenario. It's a long term treatment and while it has benefits, it has negatives too, the same with everything. It's very hard to know what way to turn, other than running away from it all! I'm back with my doctors next week and I'll chat to them, but I have to wait another couple of weeks anyway.
I have finally started seeing my homeopath, which I am over the moon about. A close family friend is in her final year studying homeopathy and has taken me on as a case patient. I couldn't be luckier in this regard, as her supervisor has a history of gynecology so I know I'm in safe hands. This woman, who we will call "A", is a woman I have known for 11 years of my life and trust her implicitly. She knows who I am and is fully aware of everything. The main thing I noticed about my initial consultation with her was the time she spent with me. Any doctor has sat down, taken a couple of minutes to get a "medical history". What this woman did was took note of my entire life! Everything was important, she asked me questions that my surgeon never asked me. It's shocking how little detail they go into. The initial consultation took three and a half hours. It fascinated me that she really cared and required all this information. Homeopathy looks at the person as a whole and doesn't just treat one area, but the whole body.
I'm finally starting to feel positive about my condition. I'm fed up spending three to four days in bed, doped up on insanely strong painkillers and unable to move without help. That is no way to live my life. I'm 21 and should not be confined to a bed because of a condition. No one should have to. If there is any way that homeopathy will help me to regain control again, I'm going to grab it with both hands.
This week is Endometriosis Awareness Week. Endo Ireland are hosting a day in the Lucan Spa Hotel this coming Saturday 12th March from 1.30pm to 5.30pm. The day is all about information. [Link: www.endo.ie]. I'm really looking forward to this, it should provide some information and some other options. I think it will be good to meet other women with the condition too. I've found a thread on boards.ie about endometriosis as well, which I have found a great condolence to know that others feel the same way. It's great to know there are support networks.
I'm up early in the morning, so I'll finish up by saying the feeling of positivity I once had is starting to creep back. Everything at the moment seems to be slowly coming together. Family are good and getting better, Friends are good and getting better but more importantly, I'm good and I'm getting better.